Preparing for a medieval banquet, the Gourmet Detective uncovers centuries of lost recipes, simmering rivalries and, as a main course, murder...
It seemed like a tasty proposition. When asked to give culinary advice for the Harlington Estate's medieval-themed resort, the Gourmet Detective had hoped to rediscover such lost delights as eel pie, suckling pig, and enormous platters of pheasant, partridge, and teal in a fantasy environment of jousting, pied pipers, and wandering minstrels. But when a stuntman is poisoned by a mysterious, and possibly hallucinatory, ingredient and generations of family secrets begin to emerge, the Gourmet Detective discovers that he just might be next on the murderer's menu -- unless he can find the real culprit. But in order to do so, he'll have to escape from both a labyrinth and a flooding dungeon, work undercover for Scotland Yard, and even fall prey to a mysterious heiress' charms...