The first in a series of Science fiction action and adventure books about Amber, a 16 year old girl from Earth who discovers she has extraordinary powers. Set in the present (for the moment), follow Amber through her journey from the point where her powers are discovered, through to its exiting conclusion which will leave you wanting more. The first sixteen years of her life have been quite uneventful but when Amber discovers that she can utilise a virtually untapped power source which she can use in conjunction with the "Eye of Tucana" , all that changes. The power source and the "Eye" can be used for the purposes of travelling in space, time-travel and even travel into parallel dimensions. In addition to time travel the power source can also be used to allow her to perform amazing, and at times superhuman feats. As she travels she meets up with a number of beings from different planets and forms some very special relationships with some of the people she meets along the way. Share the experiences of Amber as she meets beings from other planets, develops her powers and makes her way to the thrilling finale which sets the scene for many more books documenting her experiences in the future.