Come with me to Spyglass House where time and space and shifting dimensions meet, and I'll open a side door for you on the alternate world of 1938, take you up in an early biplane, provide you a sleeper on the Pan American Clipper, and fly you to Europe on the great dirigible, Hindenburg, still alive in this world. But you'll have to hang out with Rex Barney as fights the Nazi, tries to squirrel an Enigma Coding Machine out of Warsaw to Britain, and save two women from the Gestapo. Oh yes, and joining the exclusive Six Hundred Foot High Club is in the offing. Also the Two Hundred Meter High Club. The Eiffel Tower Club. The Hotel Kaiserhof Third Floor Adjoining Rooms Club. And, if Rex wins his race across Crazy-land in a Bugatti typ 57S roadster to board the Pan American Clipper, you might be the first to join the famous the Mile High Club. But be careful, you'll be stranded if you lose you way back into Spyglass House. Spyglass House, has no redeeming message, just an amusing romp of escapist literature. Heil Hitler. Mickey Mouse.