She was torn between two brothers... All her life proper Bostonian Clementine Kennicutt yearned to escape the pious tyranny of her father's rule. So when Gus McQueen rode into town and swept her off her feet, she was ready for him. Eloping with the carefree cowboy was the answer to her prayers... until she met his brother. The One She Married... In the Big Sky country of Montana, Clementine yearned to feel the simple love of a wife for her husband. She'd pledged her troth to Gus, and she swore she would die honoring her promise, but each day her heart betrayed her. And The One She Was Born To Love... Zach Rafferty's love was not like the soft affection of her husband -- it was the wanton need of a dangerous man. And, despite her promise, Clementine knew he was the one meant for her all along...