This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the very best virtual requirements. The version carries over forty motion adventure testimonies of the Foreign Legion: STEPSONS OF FRANCE: Ten little Legionaries À Los Angeles Ninon de L'Enclos An Officer and -- a Liar The Dead Hand The Gift The Deserter Five Minutes "Here are Ladies" The MacSnorrt "Belzébuth" The Quest "Vengeance is Mine..." Sermons in Stones Moonshine The Coward of the Legion Mahdev Rao The Merry Liars GOOD GESTES: What's in a Name A Gentleman of Colour David and His Incredible Jonathan The McSnorrt Reminiscent Mad Murphy's Miracle Buried Treasure If Wishes had been Horses The Devil and Digby Geste The Mule Low Finance Presentiments Dreams Come True FLAWED BLADES: Tales from the Foreign Legion No. 187017 Bombs Mastic--and Drastic The Death Post E Tenebris Nemesis The Hunting of Henri PORT O' MISSING MEN: Strange Tales of the Stranger Regiment The Return of Odo Klemens The Betrayal of Odo Klemens The Life of Odo Klemens Moon-rise Moon-shadows Moon-set Percival Christopher Wren (1875-1941) became an English writer, primarily of adventure fiction. He is remembered best for Beau Geste, a far-filmed e-book of 1924, concerning the French Foreign Legion in North Africa. This became one in every of 33 novels and short story collections that he wrote, by and large, managing colonial soldiering in Africa. While his fictional debts of existence within the pre-1914 Foreign Legion are noticeably romanticized, his details of Legion uniforms, schooling, equipment and barrack room format are normally correct, which has brought about unproven hints that Wren himself served with the legion.