Wag, an enterprising dog, is unique. He can talk. The family pet strives to keep his secret in a series of adventures with young twins Lucy and Tom during the summer in World War Two. It's Wag who discovers a German airman dangling by his parachute from a tree after his plane is shot down. And he helps recapture the flier following his escape. He and the twins make friends with two teenage French refugees - and later make a startling discovery. Wag comes face-to-face with Winston Churchill, Britain's wartime leader. Tense nights in the family air raid shelter. The drama of an unexploded bomb. Moments of comedy such as when Wag chases a cat into a prison during an outing. The year 1943 ends on a proud note when Wag is presented with a medal by the King in Buckingham Palace...for exposing a Nazi spy.