Lois Lane must file the story of a lifetime-from beyond the grave! Flashing back to the childhoods of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne, Lois weaves the tale of two heroes, destined by prophecy to be the worlds� finest. Despite the dangers of their youth, both Superman and Batman reach adulthood and grow into heroes-but the omnipresence of an immortal force, Intri, spells trouble for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Robin and Lois Lane. A warrior of Apokolips hell-bent on luring Superman to another dimension, Intri makes Superman begin to question everything. Is he really a god? Could he have saved the planet Krypton? Was galactic warfare inevitable or the result of mortal folly? Or was this interdimensional traveler a harbinger of planetary disaster all along? Hindsight is 20/20 in this riveting tale of destiny and destruction from writer PAUL LEVITZ and artist JED DOUGHERTY. Collects issues #27-32.