Have you ever wondered: How the world would react to a real superhero, even one whose methods left his criminal victims dead? If those outlandish stories about Big Foot, Batboy, and Elvis being alive and living in a trailer park in Lickskillet, OH published in that supermarket tabloid were true? Why a world famous 1960s screen comic would risk everything to get his screenplay -- a comedic romp through World War II with Adolph and Eva -- produced? Is it inspiration that drives creativity, or something deeper...and bloodier? No problem if you haven't. Paul Kupperberg has done the wondering for you in the sixteen stories in this collection, tales ranging from the real world to the realm of the fantastic, from the last thoughts of a man going knowingly to his death to the musings of a young woman waiting on the arrival of a blind date. “In My Shorts stories range from quite humorous to very disturbing, with side stops to sardonically entertaining...including “Reflected Glory,” which offers up a view of the world's first superhero...and the lowbrow p.r. flack with less than pristine moral standards who seeks to mine the hero's celebrity for his own purposes to a truly novel conclusion.” -- Robert Sodaro,