We follow Stella and her daughter Eve's journey through America as they struggle to find a safe haven. A world devastated by the H1N1 Influenza virus of 2008 and a Nuclear winter caused by Super power's distrust of their neighbours. Death follows them wherever they go. This new world is a dangerous place with Cannibals and the Infected around every corner and since Flash day Eve's sight had been taken away from her. Is a mother's love for her daughter enough to keep them going? Based on the H1N1 Influenza pandemic of 2008 - 2009 which started in Mexico, this book explores the 'what if'. What if it continued to cause mass deaths across the globe, what if the largest countries thought it was a biological attack by their enemies. The book takes place a year after the events in this fast paced action packed novel which explores, not only people's desire to live, but the question of how far would you go to keep a loved one safe?