The Miracle Tree is a humorous, yet poignant and heartwarming novel, based upon the continuing adventures of the author's two famous characters, Harry M. Redmond Junior and his longtime friend, Pastor Paul John Henson. Now grown into manhood, The Miracle Tree finds our two friends; deeply involved in their own individual lives, careers, and relationships, but still retaining that special friendship and bond, in which they have enjoyed for many years. In The Miracle Tree, Harry and Paul, face their greatest challenge ever . . . a challenge, which shakes the very foundation of their lives, faith, and their own relationship. Already, a victim of tragedy when his first wife, passed away from a bout with cancer, when tragedy looms once again, Harry turns to his best friend, now a Lutheran pastor for help. Harry turns to the one person that he believes in more than anyone this side of Heaven, in order to perform a miracle. A miracle of faith, a miracle of belief, and a miracle that right at the moment, seems impossible. Full of self-doubts, yet committed, and determined, Pastor Paul combines his love for his friend and their families with raw emotion, his deep religious faith, and intense prayer to find the answer and the miracle that they all require. To quote the author's preface for The Miracle Tree, “Those readers who are very religious in their beliefs will interpret, The Miracle Tree to be a religious fantasy book. Those readers, who are not religious, will see it in their own way, as a book about simple faith, strange coincidences, trust, and support between close friends, husband and wife, and families. They will see it as a book that displays how people who love and support one another will always survive, no matter what happens. I will leave it to the individual readers to enjoy in their own manner.” Come along, on another wonderful Harry and Paul adventure, as told by the master storyteller, Mr. Paul John Hausleben.