It's the summer of 1961, and all eyes in the sports world are riveted on New York's Yankee Stadium, where young outfielder Marvin Wallace is mounting an assault on Babe Ruth's record of 60 home runs in a season. As the upstart slugger closes in on the legendary Sultan of Swat, the pressure begins building off the field: Someone is making death threats, and it's up to ballplayer-turned-private eye Mark Renzler to figure out who. With a lineup of possible suspects that includes New Jersey gambling interests, fanatical Ruth fans and even Wallace's own teammates, Renzler faces a full count in late innings. If he doesn't come through in the clutch, it could be Marvelous Marvin's last time at bat. Praise for Paul Engleman, Mark Renzler, and Dead in Center Field: Paul Engleman is a deft storyteller with a quirky touch. Mark Renzler is a sociable Sam Spade: great company for the reader. -- Studs Terkel A grand slam! -- Lin Brehmer, WXRT Chicago The wisecracks are funny and the allusions clever. Engleman, like Chandler, doesn't take himself too seriously. -- Publishers Weekly This one's right in the ballpark. -- Los Angeles Times It's a delight! -- Playboy An excellent baseball mystery and a legendary private eye. -- Sacramento Bee Breezy and irreverent, Engleman works in 60s touches without wallowing in nostalgia. -- Chicago Sun-Times