In part one of the trilogy, Mikal, a blacksmith's son, enjoys working with fiery metal in his father's forge. But when the sorcerers' Guild of Constant Working comes to his small village for a Gleaning, the young boy's destiny is changed forever. Mikal begins a life of servitude at the Guild and soon learns of the magical world around him. Before long, he is apprenticed to the most powerful wizard in all of Phalia -- Master Harlano. Mikal's new Master commands an army of wizards, but even he must answer to the mysterious rulers of the Guild. But when Harlano pursues a strange ambition of his own, will Mikal follow his Master -- or stand against him? With help from his scruffy friend Lyra and a magical metal head, Mikal confronts danger at every turn as he uncovers the mystery of the Brightworking.