Under a pile of teddy bears lay the prettiest free spirit Stone Hamilton had ever met -- but how could a clockwatcher like him fall head over heels for a woman with all the time in the world? Whitney Grant was spicy oil to his sparkling water, and no two could have been more mismatched. But suddenly he was courting her, dancing with her, letting her get under his skin and into his blood with her voice of velvet sliding on satin. No man had ever tempted Whitney the way Stone did. His embraces left her dazed and dreamy, and wondering how to fit her unpredictably creative style to his orderly schedule. As the daughter of a spit-and-polish admiral, shed vowed to shape her life to suit only herself, while Stone had traded a childhood of disruption and disorder for a world that ran on rules. Full of yearning, they longed to build a bridge between their dreams, but could the love they felt show them the way?