When the times that are on you are filled with confusion and uncertainty, you will have need of great truths. When the times that are on you no longer show you the path to travel as clearly as you could once see it, you need the light of the spirit to guide you. When you can no longer find the friend you once knew within you and you feel the loneliness that comes to you each night, then you need to find the path you were meant to travel. When you do this, those things will be put back into balance for you.-These are the sayings of our people.Grandfather, a Spirit Caller of the Isletta Pueblo, used to teach much of the wisdom of our people to Cheeway and me. Not all of it can be contained in this book, but this book is filled with a very important page of our people's history. "As you come to understand more that is within your life path, you will come to see yourself more clearly for who and what you are in truth."-Patrick "Speaking Wind" Quirk