It's off-season in Aspen, Colorado, and former TV writer turner private eye Jake Wheeler is hired to find bimbette-in-training Tinker Mellon. Using what little he's learned from The Rockford Files and other TV detective shows, Jake's search for the cheerleader-turned-runaway uncovers a complex crime ring that lies deep within the old mine shafts of Aspen mountain.
So begins
Aspen Pulp, a slalom ride of mystery for Jake and his crew of misfits and burnouts which include Hermy, the booze-swilling Swiss ski instructor, Ernie, the yokel deputy of the Aspen PD, and Winston, a loyal malamute the size of a snowmobile.
Filled with hilarious digs at its ostentatious home,
Aspen Pulp is Patrick Hasburgh's page-turning debut.