It was a vicious robbery, if there ever was one. A bunch of scummy gunsels had ambushed a Northwest and Canadian Railroad car, and left a pile of bodies in their wake. Detective Jim Bigelow figured it had to be Milo Paxton's Gang; no other pack of pistoleros was so downright mean â€" or so dang slippery-footed. The Pinkerton man needed a pair of crack frontiersmen to capture the outlaws â€" or kill 'em â€" and bring back the loot. So he hired two hell-raisin' whippersnappers names of Lefty McNally and the Kiowa Kid ...
Lefty was a U.S. cavalryman's son and the Kid was half-injun, yet they were closer than natural brothers. Together, they'd set out to find adventure. But hunting down twelve of the meanest men in the west not only put Lefty and the Kid on the deadly trail of hidden treasure, but plunged them into a six-gun war that'd leave gunsmoke and splattered blood on every one-horse town and mining camp from Kansas clear to Colorado!