Guns blazed and blood spilled on the hot Arizona sand when the Apache warriors exploded from their ambush and fell upon Sergeant Terry O’Callan’s squad of blue-coated troopers. This wasn’t the first time O’Callan had traded hot lead with Chief Halcon’s braves—and as his troopers raised sabers and broke through the Apache ranks, he knew it wouldn’t be his last.Halcon burned with a fierce hatred for the pony soldiers that rode from Fort Dawson, and vowed to take the scalp of every round-eye in the territory. And when gold is discovered on Apache land and an army of bloodthirsty prospectors armed with guns and dynamite surround the Indian village, it’s Halcon’s revenge against blood-crazed greed … until the brassy notes of CHARGE echo off the hills—and O’Callan must ride to glory or death for peace on the new frontier.