She was a beautiful young princess, born of mixed parentage, half-Hawaiian, half-English. Her lithe and sultry figure was in wild contrast to her placid, childlike face...a combination that reflected the best of two races and captivated all who saw her.
Although she was betrothed to a handsome young chieftain, there were others who wanted her...jealous native men, rough and randy seamen, even lecherous missionaries supposedly at work saving souls.
Buy Liliha saw none of this. Her thoughts, even while roaming naked in the cool forest, or swimming in the warm surf, were as delicate, innocent, and natural as her island paradise.
Could her primitive world survive this onslaught of foreign ideas and alien cultures? And what of love -- could it endure against such odds, against men who lusted for her inheritance, her body, her soul? Death and treachery would be visited upon her, every hope and dream cruelly dashed to pieces.
One man alone could save her, a man named David. If only she would find out in time, if only she'd let him capture her pagan heart...