Raised by adoptive parents, Rhiann lives a peaceful life - until an attack perpetuates her destiny, scarring her forever. Bound by lineage as a guardian of a powerful talisman called The Moon, she travels two thousand years to modern day where magic doesn't exist and the amulet will be safe. Except someone has followed her through time and will do anything to have The Moon, no matter the cost. Duty is Prince Rayja's edict. To his family, the throne and Leisos' people. So, when he gets pulled through time with Rhiann, he tells himself it's to ensure The Moon's safety and not because the farm girl got under his skin. Regardless that her quiet reserve and compassion with animals tugs at his heart. Only he never makes it to the future. While the life of the prince who she has given her love to hangs in the balance, Rhiann is determined to rescue Rayja from between worlds and find another protector for The Moon. Her strength is tested from friend and foe, modern technology and ancient rituals. The Daughters of the Crescent Moon trilogy comes to a thrilling conclusion in a battle where allies appear from unexpected sources, with the discovery and loss of loved ones and the realization that destiny spans all time.