No one now living can tell you what it was like to dance in the old Glimmer Lake pavilion. You will only hear what the survivors told their children: how on a warm summer evening it was a magical place, lilting with music and laughter. But that was long ago, before the pavilion's collapse took so many young lives. Now it stands derelict. Ice crusts its broken arches. On some clear nights (it's said), you can see the faces of the dead beneath the ice of the lake, their eyes glimmering up at the moon. Stella, a sceptic to her core, laughs at such stories. Until she finds herself saddled with a mission: to free three souls trapped by the events of that solstice night in 1926, when a Faustian bargain went awry. It doesn't help that her backup team are a beloved but impulsive sister and two new friends, brothers who may both be vulnerable to the effects of that Faustian bargain. And that her chief advisor only comes to her in dreams.