To some she seemed a seductress, to some a sorceress, but to the people of Montlimoux, she was chatelaine, mistress of moonlit spires and sunlit meadows, of a sleepy contented land that time had left behind. The bewitching Countess Dominique de Bar had devoted her life to making Montlimoux a place of peace and harmony; now all her efforts were threatened by a single stranger disguised in beggar's garb. Paxton of Wynchester was a leader of men, a conqueror who knew more of war than love. He demanded Dominique's surrender, taking first her lush holdings and then her vulnerable virgin's body. But in the sweet ecstasy of their union lay an unexpected twist. Which of them had been seduced, and which truly conquered? As he fell deeper under Dominique's silken spell, Paxton realized her had seriously underestimated the power of a woman's love...