Ranging across two centuries, a saga of family, war, and romance by a New York Times best-selling author follows a group of runaway slaves from oppression to a new way of life among the Seminoles of Florida.
It was a daring, treacherous journey. At stake was their freedom; at risk were their lives. Following the twisted jungle path that ran along the Suwannee River, a group of runaway slaves traveled a dangerous road from oppression to liberty -- only to discover a new way of life among the Seminoles of Florida. Here, in a tropical wilderness of warring Spaniards and Indians, hunters, moonshiners and cotton planters -- in a land of exotic wildlife and sprawling colonial plantations -- a civilization would grow and thrive. Here, greed and war would divide a nation, even as powerful bonds of love and friendship were forged that would last a lifetime.
And here, a young Seminole would grow to manhood to become a legendary warrior. River without End is the story of the great Osceola. Fathered by a Scots trader, his life was marked by hardship, struggle and the growing threat of white traders seeking their fortunes along the banks of the mighty Suwannee. A man whose spirit could not be conquered, his destiny as leader of his people would sweep him into a terrible battle for their land and heritage. It is the story of Morning Dew, who would become Osceola's woman -- brave enough to raise his children from the wilderness of the swamp, strong enough to sustain him through long, arduous years of war, bold enough to share him with another woman...of Not Black, Osceola's granddaughter, who was just a young woman when Florida seceded from the Union.
It was her forbidden love for the son of a white farmer that would force her to choose between her heart and her people as she struggled to hold on to her home and land while all around the Civil War raged...of Gad, great-grandson to Osceola, fated to carry his people's legacy forward. But it was his children who would bring their history full circle as they fought for their future on the land that defied man's every attempt at control and conquest.