Rose Hill is the perfect place to browse for antiques, grab a quick bite to eat, or meet for drinks in the Rose and Thorn. Underneath the polished exterior of this charming town, however, lies something rotten that's about to be revealed. When the bloody trail of a drug-dealing turf war leads back to Rose Hill, the subsequent investigation is hampered by an ambitious county investigator and a ruthless FBI agent. Police Chief Scott Gordon must decide if upholding the law is worth sacrificing the very people he has sworn to protect. Maggie Fitzpatrick awaits the return of her first love, a man who disappeared mysteriously seven years before. Although not the person she thought she knew, he may still have the power to overwhelm her senses and tempt her to abandon everything she holds dear. It's March in Rose Hill and storm clouds gather like an ominous warning. The suspects and victims have returned to the scene of an old crime; now all must face the consequences of the choices they made long ago.