They say unconditional love could be instantaneously felt the moment your eyes gaze towards one's child. I experienced it all.
I had imagined the hardest thing a man could accomplish was to get the woman he loved to the altar. That view instantaneously changed, however. Marriage wasn't easy -- far from it. It was a boundless enterprise consisting of endless negotiations and compromises.
Emma, my dearest wife, sweet as she was, could be downright stubborn when she wanted something done her way.
So here we were, a day after welcoming our son, who she just randomly decided to name Jagger Mason Cole, after I had vehemently grounded my stance against naming our son “Mason” after her best friend and of course…her notorious ex.
It seemed my reservations, whatever it was, weren't deemed of such importance because as she succinctly put it, this was her “last wish and testament.”
Here I was…rendered speechless yet again.