A heartwarming Amish Christmas story...When Emily's mother gives her the Christmas quilt, a family heirloom, she is overjoyed. Yet, a short time later, she is horrified to discover it burning on a small fire, slowly being eaten by the flames!
Aaron never expected to see a young woman crying at his bonfire, even more surprised when she accuses him of trying to destroy a precious heirloom! Assuring her he has nothing to do with it, he introduces her to his sister, Susan, who promises to help fix the quilt.
As Emily works on the quilt, she tries to work out who could have done such a terrible thing, finding that she's growing closer to Aaron, the man she first accused of burning her quilt.
Will Emily be able to find out the truth? And what will she do when Aaron accuses the one person Emily would never suspect?
Get your copy of this Christian short story today!