I am Uriel: The Harbinger of Chaos, The Keeper of the Gates, The Begetter of Life, The Dam of The Ends, and I'm coming to take what is mine!The clash with Baza and his angels had demonstrated to Ariel that Earth (Apkallu) is not the safe heaven she hoped it would be, and it is only a matter of time before she is hunted and dead.The only way to survive is to accept her destiny and to fight back.But upon her return to Uras, Ariel is rejected in her own domain and has to suppress the revolt against her reign. The angels refuse her and her lead, abandoning her and Uras in favour of another ruler.She knows that without an army of followers she won't stand a chance against Baza or Mik'hael, so now she needs to go into the most unexpected places to find it.