In this sequel to Dooley Takes the Fall, Ryan Dooley continues to struggle against circumstances that would defeat most teenagers, let alone kids who have been in serious trouble with the law. Dooley was involved in a break and enter a few years ago, served his time, and is now living with his hard-nosed uncle. But there are threads that still link Dooley to his former life of aimless criminality, and one of them â€" with the affable Jeffie, a sometime drug dealer and one-time buddy â€" threatens to bring him down, especially when Jeffie turns up dead, while still owing money to Dooley. Much worse, Dooley's estranged mother turns up dead as well, and his uncle is suspected of having caused her death. And then there's Nevin, a rich friend of Dooley's girlfriend, Beth, who drives a Jag and always seems to be around when Dooley wants to be with Beth. Somehow, though, Dooley is able to work his way through the immense hazards in his life and emerge, not unscathed, but with his integrity intact.