Dear Reader, Imagine inheriting the family fortune and business at the age of nineteen. Imagine choosing between the Bentley, the Rolls Royce, the Benz and the Range before the ink on your driver's license dried. I can see you now with the Black Card in Cali on Rodeo Drive shopping until you drop without a care in the world. Now imagine getting all of this at the cost of losing your beloved father and brother. Imagine that even after avenging their deaths there is still no peace. All of the money and riches in the world cannot erase my pain, so I unleash it on my enemies. I give it to those who seek to kill and destroy what my family worked so hard for. With money, power and a strong handle on the drug game, the haters and the testers of my fury come out to play a deadly game. In the mist of all of this I have to deal with battling the undying love of the one man who's ever had my heart and the drama from his jump off. Between these scorching pages you will meet me, my adopted family and the members of my elite Empire. Feel the pain and the joy of a woman who was never a girl. The Empress