Following his victory at the Battle of Dunbar in 1650, Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, sought to bring Scotland too under his protectorate. On his return south, he left General George Monk in command and, among others, Colonel James Stanfield, who was made 'governor' of Haddingtonshire.
When Cromwell died and King Charles II was restored to the throne, Colonel Stanfield made the highly unusual decision to stay in Scotland. Together with two Haddingtonshire lairds -- Patrick, Lord Elibank and George Hepburn of Monkrigg -- he devised a plan to found an industry making use of the great quantities of wool from the sheep-strewn Lammermuir Hills. Instead of exporting the raw material to the Low Countries -- as had traditionally been the case -- the friends saw an opportunity to profit by establishing cloth-mills at home, in Haddington.
But as the enterprise grew and achieved nationwide importance, it was to bring dramatic consequences and unforeseen developments for the trio .. .