This player's got a lot to learn if he wants to score . . . with the boss's daughter. “Nicole Edwards sure does know how to write the bad boys of sports!” -- L. P. Dover Stone: Football is more than a game to me. It's my calling. Becoming the Dallas Wranglers' starting quarterback before I retire is a dream come true, but with a few wins under my belt, suddenly everyone wants a piece of me. And even though being in the spotlight has its perks -- beautiful women, star treatment,
more beautiful women -- what really gets me sweating is the watchful gaze of my sexy-as-hell PR coach, Savannah Andrews. The catch? Her father is kind of my boss. . . .
Savannah: In my family, football is big business. When your dad owns an NFL franchise, you learn a thing or two about schmoozing, and from what I can tell, it's not a skill in Jason Stone's playbook. Sure, the veteran quarterback is literally larger than life. With broad shoulders, muscles on muscles, and a mouth made for kissing, he may be one of the hottest men in the league -- and I should know. I've turned down enough players to start my own all-star team. But those guys just wanted to get close to my father. Meanwhile, Stone is getting temptingly close . . . to me.
Praise for Bad Business “
Bad Business is incredibly hot, sexy, and sweet. Nicole Edwards brings her A game to the must-read football romance of the year. Pick it up today, and thank me later.”
-- Sloane Howell, author of Bossed“[
Bad Business] is fun, sexy and flirty, and it has great dialogue and dynamics between the characters. . . . This is a refreshing story with an engaging storyline.”
-- Cocktails and Books (five stars)“A delightfully filthy, flirty good time. . . I'm ready for another of Edwards's so-called bad boys. I sure am.”
-- Herding Cats & Burning Soup “Edwards, once again, creates a steamy sports romance that is a great mix of lust and passion.”
-- Fairest of All Book Reviews “Edwards is one of my go-to writers. I just read everything she writes, no matter what. Her writing is so versatile and I always know she's going to entertain the heck out of me!”
-- Two Book Pushers The Bad Boys of Sports come to life in these sexy standalone novels by New York Times bestselling author Nicole Edwards: BAD REPUTATION | BAD BUSINESS This ebook includes an excerpt from another Loveswept title.