On a post-apocalyptic world in the far future the last remnants of humanity huddle in ancient crumbling shelter cities protected by their genetically engineered Biological.Armored.Defense Troopers against the ravages of the fascist Omega Coalition.
It was the apocalytic war against the Great One that changed everything. The damage from the unbridled use of chemical weapons, biological agents and localized atomics had rendered the land extremely hostile. The remaining soldiers fighting against the Great One were falling victim to the blasted environment within hours and sometimes minutes of leaving their shelters even in full ABC suits.
A solution had to be found, the Great One had to be stopped. The best minds and scientists of the time met and whilst the depleted armies fought a desperate series of suicidal battles to hold back the Great One. A new type of soldier was developed grown from a DNA mix of the finest soldiers available. This clone was dubbed the Alpha Male, a soldier that had increased reflexes, strength and endurance, a biological clone contained within its own organic armored environment suit. The genetically enhanced metabolism and shielding of the Alpha Male was able to operate for prolonged periods in the poisoned lands and feel no ill-effects.
The first Alpha Male Biological.Armored.Defense Trooper Battalion saw action against the Great One with mixed results, but they contributed to the first victory for the surviving coalition and the last few regular military units. This first battalion of B.A.D Troopers was all but destroyed after displaying unexpected valor and intuitive. The new ‘soldier' was seen little more as hardware, a biological robot, and could be mass-produced. Many B.A.D factories were built and with sheer weight of numbers the Great One was finally overcome. It was almost too late for humanity, the lands where uninhabitable now, the damage could not be undone and slowly the remaining populace where confined into a series of huge Colony-shelters cities.
It is now 150 years since the Great One, society has changed, the Colony-shelters formed a League and are now locked into an endless cycle of war against the Omega Coalition â€" a force of next generation, highly intelligent B.A.D troopers that rebelled, taking with them the last great mobile fortress as their base and attempted to exterminate the remains of the human race. Both sides have fought themselves to a stalemate, as the dwindling supplies stretched to a near breaking point and an uneasy truce of resource raiding settled between them. It's been this way for the last ten years, but everything is about to change…
Welcome to the world of Sigmartyr a dying civilizations last hope lies in the ember of humanity in the heart of its indentured protectors...