When Harry and her wraith wrangling associates are called in to deal with a poltergeist emergency, little does she know this latest assignment will land her in very hot water indeed. For it turns out that from the same home the famous Pink Eulalie ring has just been stolen, reportedly worth fifty million pounds, and the secret will of the Queen's favorite cousin, and the only way the thieves could have gained access to the safe was with a little help from the poltergeist. Now Harry, Jarrett, Deshawn and the Wraith Wranglers' resident ghost Buckley are suddenly wading knee-deep in state secrets, a scandal that could end the monarchy, and the ire of the Queen herself. In this, her third adventure, Henrietta ‘Harry' McCabre is faced with her greatest challenge yet, a challenge that has her being hounded by Russian spies, collaborating with burglars to break into Buckingham Palace, and trying to solve the murder of the poltergeist that started this whole mess in the first place. Will she manage? And will Jarrett finally find true love? Find out in Ghost Save the Queen, the third installment in the hilarious Ghosts of London series.