Enemy of the Tates is the first installment in the new Tate-à-Tate series of humorous cozy mysteries. Think Hart to Hart meets Hollywood, with a big dollop of fun. Mark and Cleopatra Tate, Hollywood's most famous celebrity couple, are having a really bad day. First Mark is dumped by his agent after his latest blockbuster Frown Hard bombed at the box office, then Cleo finds a dead body in her Maserati, and now the LAPD suspect she just might be the killer. Things quickly go from bad to worse for the Tates, as a spate of murders shocks Beverly Hills, and it looks like the murderer is… Mark Tate himself! Now that they're both wanted by the police and hounded by the paparazzi, the Tates and their crusty bodyguard Julius decide to go after the real killer themselves. Both their lives and careers depend on it. What they discover is a plot to destroy not just them but some of the most famous luminaries in Tinseltown. But can they stop the killer before it's too late?