Bluebird Flown, the final book in the Serena Wilcox Dystopian Trilogy, goes even deeper into the madness of futuristic America; corrupt, heavy with conspiracies-- chillingly close to tomorrow's headlines. President Ann Kinji trusts no one, except for government outsider, former private detective mother-of-three Serena Wilcox and her motley crew of vigilantes, burned agents & the criminally insane. As the United States continues to spiral out of control, can Serena stop all of the traitors before they kill the President? As the layers of betrayal are peeled, will anyone remain standing? Covert Coffee's dystopian, eerie, and intense vibe continues! What began in Angels Mark and escalated in Covert Coffee is revealed in Bluebird Flown. [suspense, humor, part of a series: The Serena Wilcox Mysteries, book 3 of the Serena Wilcox Dystopian Trilogy] [genre: thriller, futuristic]