"The Christmas Cottage and Other Tales for the Child in You" is a blend of new old-world Christmas Fairy Tales peopled with Kings, Woodcutters, Princesses, Tailors, Witches, Little Goose Girls, a first Christmas story told through the eyes of the animals, a fictional tale from Ancient Livonia and some surprise visits from Santa mixed with the escapades of modern children solving their own mishaps - swallowing a button, biting a neighbor child, helping Grandma with cooking and trying to understand what it was like to be a little child when Grandma was young as well as the story of a little kitten's first day outside, told with the charm of an author who loves all the children of her mind equally. If you are looking for an easy and enchanting read that will make you smile all day, "The Christmas Cottage and Other Tales for the Child in You" comes highly recommended.