Sailor Moon kills the last of the Four Sisters of Deception, Avery(that is changed in the tv show, and the sisters live), but the three scouts(Mercury,Mars, and Jupiter) that the Dark Moon captured are still gone(another thing changed for tv). Bunny, Darien, and Mina confront Chibi-usa(Rini) about what she knows. She tells them that she's from the future, and Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Tuxedo Mask decide to go back to the thirtieth century with her. On the way they meet the forbidden Sailor Pluto, who tries to kill Sailor Moon, until Chibi-Usa(who Pluto calls Small Lady)tells her to stop. Pluto reveils that Chibi-Usa is a Princess,too. Once in the thirtieth century, our heros are attacked by to Dark Moon flunkies, Chiral and Achiral, and Sailor Moon finds out her powers wont work in this time period. Tuxedo Mask and Venus save the day. Then they all meet Tuxedo Mask's future self, or his soul anyway, who tells them that Chibi-Usa is Bunny and Darien's future daughter, and what happened to the moon kingdom. Luna and Artemis meet their future daughter, Diana(who is sooo cute it's a crime, and is left out of the tv show). Then Sailor Moon is captured by the Dark Moon. In the end there's a extra little story called "Rini's Picture Diary" about Chibi-Usa's school experience. -- sailor_titian Amazon Review