Can you keep a secret?
You're at a party and no one seems to notice you. But you have a secret weapon that could make you the center of attention -- a juicy piece of gossip about two of the teachers in your school. You saw them together outside of school -- holding hands! Do you
A. Whisper the info to a few close friends who you know will be impressed by the inside scoop.
B. Keep it to yourself: Even teachers deserve a little privacy.
C. Make your way into the crowd and fill everyone in on the news. After all, if they wanted to keep the relationship secret, they shouldn't have been out in public.
According to a quiz, Jenny McAfee knows how to keep a secret. But can her friends? The debut of the Madame X gossip column has turned Joyce Kilmer Middle School upside-down. Rumors are flying, and no one knows who to trust. Whoever Madame X is, she's got the power to turn friends into enemies. Will Jenny figure out who Madame X is before it's too late?