This is the sixth installment of The Pearl, a pornographic magazine published in London by William Lazenby between 1879 to 1880. The magazine contained erotic tales, songs, rhymes, and parodies, all based around sex in high society, flagellation, and incest. In 1880, the magazine was legally forced to shut down due to the publishing of rude and obscene literature. Following its closure, Lazenby created two other similar publications, The Oyster and The Boudoir. Other notable works by Lazenby include: The Romance of Chastisement (1883), The Pleasures of Cruelty (1886), and The Birchen Bouquet (1881). The Pearl will appeal to those with an interest in erotic fiction, and it is not to be missed by fans and collectors of vintage literature of this ilk. Contents include: My Grandmother's Tale, Drawing-room Passe Temps, The Bankrupt Bawd, Facetiae, Flunkeyania, Memoranda From Mr. P, Things I Don't Like To See, A' That And A' That, Facetiae, Lines For Valentines, Advertisements, and To The Lovers Of Good Things. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in a modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on the history of erotic literature.