Cat fanciers will want to curl up with this collection of tales about felines of many temperaments adventurous, naive, crafty, and independent.Nearly thirtystories offer a rich variety of moods and settings, from H. P. Lovecraft's chilling tale of revenge, "The Cats of Ulthar," to Honor de Balzac's droll satire of British respectability, "The Afflictions of an English Cat." Selections include Emile Zola's fable "Cat's Paradise," in which an indoor cat takes to the streets; "Gipsy" by Booth Tarkington, a brilliant study of a wild cat; "The Catthat Walked by Himself" from Rudyard Kipling's Just So stories; "Tom Quartz" by Mark Twain; "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe" by Charles G. D. Roberts; Charles Perrault's classic rendition of "Puss in Boots"; and entrancing cat tales by Saki, Bram Stoker, Thophile Gautier, and others.