The classic nursery rhymes and childrens stories you grew up with, beautifully illustrated and digitally enhanced. Pass them on to your children with this timeless collection.
-Over 100 Full-Color Illustrations
-Linked Table of Contents
-Digitally Remastered Images - Looks great on Kindle Fire!
Red Riding-Hood.
Mother Hubbard.
Cock Robin's Death.
Jack and the Bean-Stalk.
Tom Thumb.
The Three Bears.
Punch and Judy.
Little Miss Muffet
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake
Humpty Dumpty
Young Lambs to Sell!
Little Robin Redbreast Sat Upon a Tree
Handy Spandy Jack-a-Dandy
Little Boy Blue
This Little Pig Went to Market
Little Jack Horner
To Market, to Market
Taffy Was a Welshman
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Pretty Maid, Pretty Maid
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Little Bo-Peep
Hot Cross Buns
The Cat and the Fiddle
The Queen of Hearts
I Had a Little Husband
Goosey, Goosey Gander
Little Polly Flinders
Ding Dong Bell
Multiplication is Vexation
The Dapple-Grey Pony
Old Woman, Old Woman, Old Woman say I
Dame Trot and Her Cat
Simple Simon
Mary Had a Pretty Bird
Is John Smith Within?
Guy Fawkes
Jack and Jill
Little Fred
Little Tom Tucker
Where are You Going, My Pretty Maid?
Ride a Cock-Horse
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son
Old King Cole
Four-and-Twenty Tailors Went to Kill a Snail
Hush-a-by Baby