Shanghai...breathtaking birthplace of dreams and destinies...exotic mecca of wealth and pleasure...proud land of tradition torn by turbulent times, and threatened by passionate men and women who leave no rules of love or war unbroken. -- In the days of Chinese warlords, and British colonials, two ambitious young men spark a hatred that becomes a bitter lifelong rivalry. One will reap great power and the heart of an English diplomat's daughter, only to see her swept off on a strange destiny to Mao's revolutionary caves of Yenan. The other will amass a staggering fortune and plunge into a forbidden affair with a Eurasian beauty who is cruelly ruined then ironically and fabulously redeemed.
For sixty drama-filled years, fate intertwines these tumultuous lives with explosive events...caught in the fires of Japan's invasion...tossed in the chaos of China's civil war...clashing for power and love from Washington, Hollywood, London to behind the Bamboo Curtain where their secrets all began.