Sworn never to become leg-shackled to any man, Vivian Reddington dreaded the marriage mart of the current London Season. She simply couldn't act like an addle-brained flirt. But her boredom at one of the endless balls was arrested by a handsome stranger with a jagged scar across one cheek and a devil-take-'em smile. She had seen him before -- in the smugglers' caves near her family's country estate. Now she heard the rumors: he was a man responsible for dark deeds, a rake embittered by a broken engagement, a villain who'd killed his own brother to gain a title.
Vivian thought him perfect -- for the romantic hero of her secret novel. And Lord Winter thought the fiercely independent Vivian was a woman of quality, a woman who just might believe in him. While neither would admit the tendre between them, neither Vivian nor Winter could keep away from each other...even as they found themselves swept into a world of scandalous intrigue -- and dangerous, irresistible love....
Hero: Lord Richard Winter
Heroine: Vivian Reddington