A thrilling story of rescue and adventure featuring fuzzy young Benjamin Middlemouse and his wooly friend Bumper the elephant as the unlikely heroes, each page of this children's picture book features a cinematic photo of charming handmade mice and other creatures that inhabit a richly textured, three-dimensional world. When Benjamin's mother does not return to the antique armoire they call home, Benjamin recruits his friend Bumper, a stuffed animal who lives on the nearby bed, to help with the search. Benjamin loads Bumper's back with a treasure-trove of scrounged objects -- a jumble of ropes, needles and thread, a ladder made from string and matchsticks, and a homemade slingshot with a basket of popcorn for ammunition -- and they follow clues that lead into the garden, where they must storm the stone tower of Sir Pouncelot the cat and rescue Mrs. Middlemouse before she becomes his tasty dinner. Just right for a first adventure story, this magical storybook is an ideal blend of suspense, bravery, friendship, humor, loyalty, and a happy ending for all.