(print version includes Index) cats, Buddha consciousness of reincarnation, acceleration app trilobites and gods of trilobites ...and more When God cheats at Scrabble, does Hell freeze over? After 14 billion years of cleaning up after God, the Devil is having a mid-life crisis. Before she can settle into that perfect state of self-pity, a Buddhist Hungry Ghost steals the Software that Runs the Universe. And it all goes to Hell from there. She quickly assembles her crisis team: • St. Peter â€" hacked his way out of Purgatory, been running Heaven ever since. • Valerie â€" a cookbook editor, changed forever by an encounter with the Cookbook from Hell. • Eric â€" her IT guy, now seeing his formidable boss in a whole new light. • Henrietta â€" a foot-tall angel with a talking disorder -- she never stops. • The Librarian from Hell. • Assorted demons, angels, philosophers, and other persons dead and living. Let the race to save Creation begin.