No woman had ever held so much power and lost it on the whim of her son, the king. Six years of political ostracism has brought Lady Elfrida low. Desperate to be welcomed back to court, she risks all to make an ally of England's Viking enemy. Failure risks exile. Forever.Book 2 in The King's Mother Trilogy, the sequel to The First Queen of England trilogy.Suggested reading order: The King's MotherThe Queen DowagerOnce A QueenPraise for The King's Mother.An excellent read about a strong, intelligent woman!! Amazon ReviewerLoved every minute of the series couldn't put it down. Amazon ReviewerPorter manages to create a lifetime story out of a few charters and genealogies. And of course the Anglo Saxon Chronicles. Amazing!!! Amazon ReviewerSuch a good insight to the time and people and the real game of thrones. Amazon ReviewerABOUT THE AUTHORI'm an author of fantasy (Viking age/dragon themed) and historical fiction (Anglo-Saxon, Vikings and the British Isles as a whole before the Norman Conquest), born in the old Mercian kingdom at some point since the end of Anglo-Saxon England. Raised in the shadow of a strange little building and told from a very young age that it housed the bones of the long-dead kings of Mercia, it's little wonder that my curiosity in the Anglo-Saxons ran riot. I can only blame my parents!I write A LOT. You've been warned!Find me at and @coloursofunison on twitter