Northman, eldest son of Ealdorman Leofwine, husband, father and brother almost snatched a moment of peace when King Swein of Denmark helped himself to the English throne, and Aethelred removed himself to the Court of Duke Richard II of Normandy, his brother by marriage. But when Swein unexpectedly dies weeks after his coronation, England is once more plunged into strife and war, for who will succeed to the throne now? Leofwine, ex-enemy and sometime friend of Swein of Denmark, is given an unenviable task on the short-lived King's deathbed, one he will struggle to accomplish without compromising himself, his family, and oaths already given. Northman, son of Leofwine, and foster son of Eadric, Ealdorman of Mercia must once more tread carefully as he tries to navigate the twists and turns of the conflicted Witan, and the men who believe that they should rule England, Aethelred the usurped King, Cnut the son of Swein and the sons of Aethelred, Athelstan, Edmund and his younger sons, Edward and Alfred from his second wife. As external enemies try to exploit internal divisions, a disunited England becomes a real possibility and one that Leofwine, Northman and Leofric must combat at all odds. Covering the year 1013-1017, Northman Part 2 is the fourth part of the Earls of Mercia Series and can best be appreciated after reading Northman Part 1 (although not necessarily Ealdorman and Ealdormen if you're a little impatient). It continues the story of Leofwine, Ealdorman of the Hwicce, Northman, his eldest son and Leofwine's second son, Leofric.