Two novels in the beloved Fairacre series, full of “delicious wit, quirky characters . . . and certainly love and laughter” (Jan Karon). In the English village of Fairacre, retired schoolteachers Dolly Clare and Emily Davis enjoyed a remarkable friendship. Childhood playmates in Beech Green, they would remain close throughout their long lives, eventually sharing a cottage in their retirement. They felt grief when a village family was lost on the
Titanic and each experienced young love and then heartbreak when the First World War interrupted both of their romances. In this two-in-one volume, the triumphs and tragedies of their days are depicted with all the humor, humble tenacity, and human warmth for which Miss Read is known.
“Miss Read's Books . . . have deservedly received the highest praise from both English and American reviewers.” --
The New York Times Book Review “Miss Read reminds us of what is really important. And if we can't live in her world, it's certainly a comforting place to visit.” --
USA Today “[Read's] heroes are the good, the uncomplicated, and those who do the unsung work of the world. It's a warm, comfortable, part of the picture.” --
Kirkus Reviews