From the groundbreaking series, The Jericho Resistance, comes the end of a riveting saga. Trapped within the walls of the Jericho saloon, Lupita Belmonte struggles to free herself from her father's oppressive rule - never realizing that there are others there with far worse fates than her own. When an American doctor rides into town to treat her wounds, he makes a deal with her to escape in exchange for her help. Will she have faith to trust him, or succumb to her father's will once again?It's neither money nor kindness that spurs Gabriel Sant? to answer the call of treating a notorious saloon owner's daughter. An army doctor serving as a spy, he's the most qualified to collect the information they need to determine if the saloon is a haven for German soldiers. The last thing he expects is to find his loyalty tested when he meets an innocent Mexican se±orita. Will the dark secret they uncover together tear them apart, or further unite them?The Fires of Faith are ignited when hearts blaze in the dark underbelly of 1918 Nogales, Mexico.