Book Two in the Birthstone Brides series--A Sweet Historical Small-town Romance
February 1873, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas -- A Clean and Wholesome Love Story
Casey Walker is a woman who enjoys life, loves children, but longs for love and a family of her own. She devotes herself to teaching in a country school. When a widowed father shares his frustration of being unable to read well enough to correspond with a potential mail-order bride, Casey volunteers to teach him, knowing her lessons will ruin any hope of a relationship between them.
Adam Morgan reluctantly accepts Casey's help, not dreaming he might fall in love with his teacher. Casey is smart and beautiful. She'd never be interested in an uneducated farmer like him, but in spite of his determination to find a wife who won't be able to hurt him, his daughter, and his heart, keep drawing him to the teacher.
Can two people, still hurting from the past, find love in their own hometown?
Excerpt from Hometown Love, Book Two of the Birthstone Brides series -- Heartwarming Christian Romance!
Seeing her with the flower held to her nose had caused his heart to leap in a way it hadn't since … well, maybe never. He couldn't fall in love with her. An educated woman, a teacher of all things, but why else did he feel this way? He'd been surprised finding her so far from her home. Did all women act so irresponsibly? Or was it only the ones he cared about?
“I'd rather you'd stay closer to home. I'm sure you feel capable of taking care of yourself, and in most cases that's probably true, but not out here.” He looked around them, able to see across the prairie for miles. “It looks peaceful, doesn't it?”
The expression on her face softened as she followed his gaze. He was sure she'd been about to defend her right to walk where she wanted. And that he had no say in her life. “I know you are your own boss. I don't have the right to tell you what to do, but there're a lot of people depending on you. Your students and their parents. None of them want you laid up, or worse.”
Again, her expression changed. This time she appeared to come to a decision of some sort. Her lashes lowered before lifting as her beautiful brown eyes locked with his, revealing a hidden hurt deep inside. “I see.”
The house where she rented a room loomed in the distance. Adam slowed to a stop and faced her. “No, I don't think you do.”
He looked from her eyes to her lips. “Things happen out here where it looks so peaceful. If anything happened to you -- ” He shrugged. “Well, let's just say I care.”
As he talked, he leaned toward her, his gaze never leaving her lips.
The lower one trembled ever so slightly, beckoning him.
He shifted closer.
A whisper of sound escaped as her face lifted toward his. Was it a whimper?
No matter. Reason returned, and he jerked upright. “I'm sorry. I need to get back. Brant's waiting for me to help.” He almost fell over his feet backing up.
Please look for Castles in the Sky, Book One of Birthstone Brides series by Linda Cushman.
Other heartwarming Christian romance with a focus on faith, family, and love see Texas Brides, Mail-Order Style series:
Mail-Order Shotgun Wedding - Book One - by Mildred Colvin
Corralling the Cowboy - Book Two - by Jamie Adams
A Bride for Christmas - Book Three - by Linda Cushman
The Substitute Groom - Book Four - by Regina Tittel
December Love - Book Five - by the above authors.