A devastating invasion. A narrow escape. A rising threat to humanity's survival. After countless perils, the denizens of Daqin Guojin can finally look to a brighter future. Daoren has outlawed the S.A.T. and restored the rights of the oppressed undercastes. A new food source has eliminated the need for grooll, spawning renewed hope. With Heqet at his side and pregnant with his son, Daoren's life has never been better. But life 701 years After the Cycle of Extinctions is unpredictable. When an old enemy invades at the head of a mongrel army and a treacherous Asianoid sparks a bloody uprising to restore the S.A.T, Daoren and Heqet find themselves trapped between two unstoppable forces. Can they survive the latest threat to humanity's survival-or will the Cycle of Extinctions reach its cruel conclusion?Survival Aptitude Test: Rise is the third book in the post-apocalyptic sci-fi series, The Extinction Odyssey, and picks up where Book 2 left off. If you enjoy classic dystopian tales like Soylent Green and *Logan's Run, then you'll love this modern twist on humanity's last gasp. Grab Survival Aptitude Test: Rise today and continue your odyssey!